Speakers: Heather Douglas, Heather Hui-Litwin (interviewer)


  1. What are “pleadings? https://youtu.be/6WwGYe2IaGQ
  2. What is a “cause of action”? https://youtu.be/b5yUmvgJOtg
  3. What does “serving a document” mean? https://youtu.be/cc_RNjrW460
  4. What is an “affidavit of service”? https://youtu.be/GW3yKM3uigs
  5. What does “deliver” mean? https://youtu.be/cbnBpkPMc8I
  6. Can you ignore a lawsuit filed against you? https://youtu.be/PVzfAZ81H68
  7. What is the difference between ‘action” and “application”? https://youtu.be/r5tLu980U6M
  8. “Commission” v “notarize”: what’s the difference?https://youtu.be/JheIVDnGaro
  9. How are “days” counted? https://youtu.be/Zz4eifl6CdA
  10. What is the difference between “shall” vs “may” https://youtu.be/Y5z6enkIOAs
  11. What does “irregularity” mean in Rules of Civi Procedure (Ontario)? https://youtu.be/cgiWumfAQPw
  12. Judge vs. master in Ontario courts. What is the difference? https://youtu.be/uSAvWRdn1O4
  13. What does “limitations period” mean?https://youtu.be/KyYVUjR3uEg
  14. What are “damages” in civil litigation? https://youtu.be/NUCZorwkuxU
  15. What does “discovery” mean? https://youtu.be/GrQXJuaOShY
  16. How to prepare for discovery? https://youtu.be/GrQXJuaOShY
  17. What are “undertakings” in discovery? https://youtu.be/clolJyjX0LI
  18. What does “leave” mean? https://youtu.be/cSqOjLlig2c


19.What is a motion? https://youtu.be/ZqVLFe_DAf0

20. What is an affidavit in a motion? https://youtu.be/jceL75dmyyw

21. What is a factum? https://youtu.be/QXcZKLjCZDY

22. Motion for Summary Judgement, The Basics Part 1 https://youtu.be/fAESjFeVIHE

23. Motion for Summary Judgement, Evidence and Possible Outcomes Part 2. https://youtu.be/8oJ1TXFVELU


24. What does “costs” mean? https://youtu.be/TFBcOu7kpLM

25. What do “partial indemnity” and “substantial indemnity” mean in costs? https://youtu.be/ZOyjqZINWmA

26. What does the court consider when awarding costs? https://youtu.be/lTpdQ3zmwGY

27. How to fill out forms for costs Part. 1 “Bill of Costs”. https://youtu.be/JdLpFNT2vE4

28. How to fill out forms for costs Part 2. “Costs Outlne”. https://youtu.be/a2N0xBmOvhQ

29. “Costs Consequences” and Offers to Settle. Part 1. Rule 49. https://youtu.be/dh5D6Ifl-KM

30. “Costs Consequences” and Offers to Settle Part 2. Confidentiality  https://youtu.be/jo0I9Th_yCQ

31. “Costs Consequences” and Offers to Settle Part 3. Discretion of the Court. https://youtu.be/P3doFk11Hyk

32. “Assessment of Costs” Part 1. How to have a lawyer’s fees reviewed. https://youtu.be/A9iUBU29dts

33. “Assessment of Costs” Part 2. What to Expect this Hearing. https://youtu.be/FgQReR-FCXE

34. “Assessment of Costs” Part 3. Can you dispute an assessment officer’s decision?. https://youtu.be/V8hOVg-GTwQ


35. What is the Difference between an “order”, “endorsement” and “judgement”? https://youtu.be/NnnQHIe_mXM

36. “Contempt of court” Part 1. https://youtu.be/9PcKEbqDN-Y

37. “Contempt of court” Part 2. Examples. https://youtu.be/Wl8vYElYbkk

38. “Contempt of court” Part 3 Can a litigant ask for a contempt order? https://youtu.be/OO3tCHyL6xM

39. What does “interlocutory” mean? https://youtu.be/JhMb7_2mZZ0

40. What does “jurisdiction” mean?https://youtu.be/RRJIG5SQArQ

41. What does inherent jurisdiction mean? https://youtu.be/RRJIG5SQArQ

42. What does “prejudice” mean? Part 1 https://youtu.be/AnUMDMi2mFk

43. What does prejudice mean? Part 2. “orders” https://youtu.be/g_-WwdcpmM8 

44. What does ‘security for costs” mean? https://youtu.be/yyg_rhaySUw (June 21, 2021)

(B) CIVIL LITIGATION CONCEPTS (some videos overlap with Legalese Translator)

Speakers: Dan Rosman, Heather Douglas, Heather Hui-Litwin (interviewer)

1. Major Stages of a Civil Lawsuit in Ontario, Canada https://youtu.be/ymBP4_T-Ecc

2. Rules and more. Civil Litigation Court Procedure in Ontario. https://youtu.be/gTn28Mo0Htg

3. Tips for Self-Represented Litigants-Starting a Claim. https://youtu.be/HU9DPT-hZRw

4. Common Mistakes that Self-Represented Litigants Make https://youtu.be/xOIvEVX9a2E

5. Pretrial Conference What is a “pretrial conference” Part 1https://youtu.be/x8YFC-JaH10

6. Pretrial Conference What Deadlines Apply? Part 2 https://youtu.be/R4bRQrSHkBw

7. Pretrial Conference Who must Attend? Part 3 https://youtu.be/q0FERGoqWv4

8. Pretrial Conference “Pretrial Conference Brief” Part 4 https://youtu.be/wZ0iy9pmOHY

9. Pretrial Conference “Non-Disclosure” Part 5 https://youtu.be/9pNPhwhvSXA

10. Pretrial Conference, What to Expect at a hearing Part 6 https://youtu.be/W1ORaPpQTxs

11. Pretrial Conference. Costs. Part 7. https://youtu.be/u0iiNdn8jAM

12. Motion for Summary Judgement Part 1 https://youtu.be/fAESjFeVIHE

13. Motion for Summary Judgement: Evidence Part 2 https://youtu.be/8oJ1TXFVELU

14. Costs Consequences and Offer to Settle, Rule 49 Part 1 https://youtu.be/dh5D6Ifl-KM

15. Costs Consequences and Offer to Settle, Confidentiality Part 2 https://youtu.be/jo0I9Th_yCQ

16. Costs Consequences and Offer to Settle: Discretion of the Court Part 3 https://youtu.be/P3doFk11Hyk

17. Enforcement. https://youtu.be/Vf42_fsAP1A

18. Jurisdiction https://youtu.be/4JD7a2Qxb4I

19. Inherent Jurisdiction. https://youtu.be/RRJIG5SQArQ

20. Privilege (Dan Rosman) (TO BE POSTED 2024, links become active after posting)

Part 1: What is Privilege? Also, what is Solicitor-Client Privilege https://youtu.be/VWPqwAjQxZo

Part 2: Litigation and Settlement Privilege https://youtu.be/WDAkoDchn8k

Part 3: Practical Considerations https://youtu.be/g6107ytwDO4

21. Prejudice (Parts 1 and 2) https://youtu.be/AnUMDMi2mFk, https://youtu.be/g_-WwdcpmM8

22.Security for Costs https://youtu.be/yyg_rhaySUw

23. Simplified Procedure  https://youtu.be/GnOuA2HmUvY (June 28, 2021)

(C) HOW-TO TUTORIALS FOR CIVIL LITIGATION (some videos overlap with Legalese Translator)

Speakers: Heather Douglas, Heather Hui-Litwin (Interviewer)

1. How to Prepare a Notice of Motion https://youtu.be/IsYiAIetR2M

2. How to Cerlox bind a document https://youtu.be/KFnoNS-5X28

3. How to Put together a Motion Record https://youtu.be/5je-QznI1Lw

4. How to Prepare an Affidavit https://youtu.be/Fg2OuNUKakk

5. How to Prepare for Discovery https://youtu.be/LHic_rDirgY 

6. How to Fill out Forms for costs-part 1 Bill of Costs. https://youtu.be/JdLpFNT2vE4

7. How to Fill out Forms for costs -Part 2 Costs Outline https://youtu.be/a2N0xBmOvhQ

8. Filing and Sharing Court Documents Online https://youtu.be/DPJEKLXY8C4

Special Video

Conversation with Deputy Judge Janis Criger


Litigation Help is grateful to Toronto lawyers Dan Rosman and Heather Douglas for their generosity in dedicating so much of their time to this project.

Dan Rosman: rosmanlaw.ca

Heather Douglas: heatherdouglaslaw.ca